Below you can access the full recordings of some past events on my Youtube Channel. Please consider making a donation between £10 and £15 for each if you find them useful.
Recordings are free for those who paid in full for the workshop.
Thank you
Glorious Surya Namaskar
(Lecture, Theory and Practise workshop)
Let’s get together and share practise, learning and playful exploration of yoga!
Why do we do Surya Namaskar aka Sun Salutations? Are they really just a warm up? A cardio exercise? Or are they something deeper…. A ritual, a prayer? What is it that makes them such a unique and fundamental part of most people’s everyday practise? Some say that they hold all of the yoga technique we ever need.
Have you ever questioned where they came from or how they evolved?
This simple yet profound practise is used and altered by many different styles of yoga and individual students to provide varying effects and benefits, and can help to form the basis for a self practise.
We will …
Explore a little history with context from Indian traditions and yoga styles
Practise a range of different sun salutations and learn their uses and effects​
Break down postures involved in Surya Namaskar A and more importantly their transitions
Look at common difficulties/ mistakes and technique/ hacks
Discuss anatomy, spinal positions, bandha- breath energetics and psycological effects
Understand how they set up the basis of a self practise
Theory and practise of back and forward bend
A practical study of the dynamics, alignment and great energetic work of backbending postures.
Otherwise known as postures that move the spine into extension or flexion. Day to day these postures can break our bad posture habits, strengthen or relax our back muscles, stimulate our digestive system and lift or calm our mood, but mostly invigorate the most important structure within our bodies, the Spine. Traditional posture based yoga is all about awakening the spine and unblocking or raising the energy stored at its base. We often use too much or too little effort but not enough care and technique with these postures which can lead to the body jamming up, stressing our breath/ diaphragm or feeling discomfort or pain. We will explore the really rather simple logic to working bending postures, navigate them with ease and get the most benefit from them.
Yoga practise of asana and meditation combined with a picnic brunch and a hike through local moorland, woodland and a river valley
Join me for a yoga morning that will take you off your mat and into nature!
We will begin with an all levels early morning yoga practise surrounded by ancient forest, then take a hike up to a wonderfully scenic spot for a picnic brunch and silent meditation/ chill time followed by the return walk across the moor and downhill back through the river valley.